Are there tricks we can use to change our perception of the cold? Especially in view of the winter months, when many do not want to turn up the heating full blast because of the high costs. However, people are more likely to stay inside during the colder months to enjoy Bizzo Casino.

    Yes, these tricks do exist. And they have to do with thermoreceptors in the body that ensure we perceive heat and cold. They generate nerve impulses depending on the temperature. In this way, they tell our brain whether our environment – or something we touch – is cold or warm. However, the thermoreceptors are not only located in the skin, but also in our body. And you can take advantage of that.

    The same principle applies when you smear yourself with a heat ointment or eat a hot curry. This is because the heat receptors also react to pepper and chili. As a result, they report warmth even though nothing has really changed in the core temperature of the body.


    Avoid drafts

    Sometimes it is also our environment that causes differences in our temperature sensation. 

    One example is drafts. In a windless environment, a layer of warmth forms around the body. If the wind comes up, the warm air around the body blows away, to put it bluntly. We freeze faster. This phenomenon is also known as the wind chill effect. At least at home, you can try to contain this effect. For example, you can seal a leaky window, through which a barely noticeable stream of air cools the skin. 

    Find another place

    Sometimes it can already help to sit in a different place in the room: According to the Federal Environmental Agency, a person feels more comfortable the closer their own body temperature is to the temperature of the room surfaces around them. This is what you feel in winter, for example, when you sit next to a cold window: Here, one quickly feels more uncomfortable than in the rest of the heated room.

    14 degrees is perceived differently in spring than in fall

    In fact, our perception of cold already sends itself into training camp every year anyway – and it does so through the change of seasons. If it’s 13 or 14 degrees in April, we think it’s warm and go outside without a jacket. If the temperatures drop to 13 or 14 degrees in the fall, we freeze. Within a relatively short time, our body adapts.

    This adaptability can now also be used to feel comfortable in a less heated apartment. A longer-term increase in cold tolerance is possible through regular and ideally daily exposure, according to many experts.

    Fattening up a protective layer of fat is not advisable

    Overall, this improves the body’s ability to still perceive cool temperatures as comfortable. 

    Meanwhile, there is also brown fat, which was long thought to be possessed only by infants. Instead, adults also have this type of fatty tissue, which acts like the body’s own heater – although usually only in small quantities. Babies, who still have too little muscle to generate enough heat and are much more sensitive to cold, need brown fat to maintain their core temperature.

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