In 1801, John Dalton, an English chemist, noticed that he and his brother could not see specific colors the same way. This led Dalton to believe that there were different “color blindness” types. In 1810, Johann Friedrich Horner, a Swiss physician, discovered that color blindness was inherited. In his 1857 paper “On the Defect of Color Vision in Some Persons,” Horner described the condition as a “defect in the color sense” that caused affected individuals to see colors differently from other people. Horner’s paper was based on his observations of three men who he believed to be colorblind. He noted that they had trouble distinguishing between specific colors and that they often confused colors that were similar in hue. Horner’s paper was the first scientific description of color blindness and it helped to raise awareness of the condition. Today, color blindness is relatively well-understood and it is known that it is caused by a genetic mutation that affects the cones in the eye.
The human eye can detect color because of the way that the eye’s retina processes light. The retina is a layer of tissue at the back of the eye that is responsible for converting light into electrical signals. These electrical signals are then sent to the brain, where they are interpreted as the colors that we see. That is not the case for individuals who are color blind. There are many different types of color blindness, but the most common type is red-green color blindness. This is caused by an inherited mutation in the genes that control the color-sensitive cones in the eye. These cones are responsible for detecting different wavelengths of light, which the brain then interprets as different colors. People with red-green color blindness have difficulty seeing the difference between red and green because their cones are not sensitive to the red wavelength of light. Instead, they see red as a shade of green. Other types of color blindness are less common and can be caused by different mutations in the cone genes or by damage to the cones themselves. People with complete color blindness (achromatopsia) cannot see any colors at all and see the world only in shades of gray.

When it comes to animals that aren’t human, there is no definitive certainty about if they can experience colorblindness. Some scientists believe that animals may be able to see colors, but it is not clear how they would process and interpret them. Other scientists believe that animals are not able to see colors at all and instead rely on other cues such as light intensity and patterns to determine what they are seeing, just like you’d have to rely on your gut instinct while playing a round on WooCasino.
On a more “colorful” note, there is hope for those with color blindness. A new type of corrective glasses has been invented that allows wearers to see colors for the first time. These glasses work by filtering out the specific wavelengths of light that cause color blindness. This means that wearers are able to see a full spectrum of colors, rather than just shades of gray. The glasses have been met with rave reviews from those who have tried them. One user said, “I feel like I’ve been given a whole new world to explore.”
If you or someone you know is colorblind, don’t despair. There is now a way for them to see the world in all its vibrant colors.